The Full (Email) Story of Facts R Us

Since I paraphrased and, uhhh, dramatized certain parts of my “interview” with Chris of Facts R Us, I’m posting this here for transparency. What was said by Fake Chris in our interview is very close to what he actually said in our emails to each other.

facts r us email chain

Oct 6, 2023, 7:46 PM

I’m going to be making a video in the near future about this kind of content, and I was wondering if you’d be interested in telling me more about this conversation in the screenshot I’ve provided.

If you look at my channel (link below), you’ll see that I’m interested in “debunking” videos that make false claims and cause people to go off pursuing side hustles that will never pay. My most recent video, Top 10 Dumbest Side Hustles on YouTube, is a great example of how I approach these things.

Any chance we could have a talk or chat sometime? I live in South Korea (transplant from USA) but maybe we could get something figured out.

Hope to hear from you!


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