Do YouTube channel tags really matter?

I just noticed that my channel tags were still all AI-related.

I started my channel with the idea of making content specific to AI-related side hustles. I’ve switched gears over the past couple of months to more general side hustle content, and quite often I’m focusing on YouTube as a side hustle.

Most of the side hustles that people talk about on YouTube are the same. It’s mostly print on demand, sell digital products, or use ChatGPT to write some nonsense.

It seems to me that YouTube as a side hustle is a lot more interesting. There’s a lot of variety in how you can monetize YouTube content, and there’s also a lot of misinformation for me to debunk.

Continue reading “Do YouTube channel tags really matter?”

Yes, you CAN make money typing CAPTCHAs, BUT …

I recently made a video where I tested three different CAPTCHA-typing services proposed by Ryan Hildreth.

Well, it’s more accurate to say that I TRIED to test the services he discussed in his video, “Make $75 Every 30 Minutes Typing CAPTCHAS.”

Suffice it to say that pretty much everything Ryan Hildreth says will make you money is basically a bad joke. He’s not interested in helping anyone but himself.

This is a pretty short video, but I think it accurately describes Ryan Hildreth’s claim that you can make $75 every 30 minutes.

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How This YouTube Shorts Channel Grew to Millions of Views

This is probably the weirdest interview you will ever see, but it truly IS an interview. It just began in email form, and I used my weird style to turn into an AI-driven interview for this video.

Coming up with the LARRY-loves-Chris storyline was contingent upon Chris giving it the OK … I would never do that sort of thing without the subject’s consent.

But it turns out that I think Chris has a sense of humor that is similar to mine, and he seemed really happy with how this video came out!

This was a pretty fun video to make because I got to invent two new AI characters.

Continue reading “How This YouTube Shorts Channel Grew to Millions of Views”

The Full (Email) Story of Facts R Us

Since I paraphrased and, uhhh, dramatized certain parts of my “interview” with Chris of Facts R Us, I’m posting this here for transparency. What was said by Fake Chris in our interview is very close to what he actually said in our emails to each other.

facts r us email chain

Oct 6, 2023, 7:46 PM

I’m going to be making a video in the near future about this kind of content, and I was wondering if you’d be interested in telling me more about this conversation in the screenshot I’ve provided.

If you look at my channel (link below), you’ll see that I’m interested in “debunking” videos that make false claims and cause people to go off pursuing side hustles that will never pay. My most recent video, Top 10 Dumbest Side Hustles on YouTube, is a great example of how I approach these things.

Any chance we could have a talk or chat sometime? I live in South Korea (transplant from USA) but maybe we could get something figured out.

Hope to hear from you!


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How much do YouTube Shorts REALLY pay?

This video takes a close look at how much YouTube REALLY pays for views on YouTube Shorts

I noticed something interesting while I was doing research for my previous video, Top 10 Dumbest Side Hustles on YouTube (which I’ve since renamed Top 10 Worst Side Hustles 2023).

The “Make Money Online” channels were trying to convince viewers that a certain channel that posts nothing but YouTube Shorts was earning long-form money. Of course, this is definitely not the case.

Social Blade is a revenue estimation tool that uses publicly available data about video views and applies a low-end RPM range to predict how much any given channel is earning.

BUT … as of right now, Social Blade does not distinguish between long-form revenue and short-form revenue.

This is important because revenue on YouTube Shorts is literally PENNIES per 1,000 views. Long-form content, on the other hand, tends to pay dollars.

Regardless of content type, RPMs can range pretty widely, but there’s no way that a Shorts channel is earning even the low end of long-form money.

Continue reading “How much do YouTube Shorts REALLY pay?”

Top 10 Dumbest Side Hustles on YouTube

This is my latest video, and as always, I have high expectations.

BUT … in this case, I actually believe this one’s going to “blow up.” More on that later on in this post.

First, I just want to explain why I made this video and how I selected the dumbest side hustles.

If you’re in the habit of searching for things like make money online on YouTube, you’re going to see tons of garbage. But it all looks so shiny and real.

Spoiler alert, the vast majority of the side hustles you’ll find on YouTube are complete fiction. And even worse, these videos get hundreds of thousands of views, sometimes millions even, and the comments are astounding. People THANK YouTubers for this trash because they don’t realize that it’s all fake BS.

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Researching whether AI voiceover channels get monetized by YouTube

Right now I’m in the middle of planning my next video which will be an “expose” of sorts. Well not really, but I’m going to take a close look at a video by YouTuber Joshua Mayo, and I’m going to point out the things he says that I think are legitimate, and also the things he says that I disagree with.

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My latest faceless YouTube channel video is about using copyrighted content that you CAN monetize

My latest video has a bit of a split personality. I can’t decide if it’s about finding content for a faceless YouTube channel, or if it’s about how to use copyrighted content in ways that agree with YouTube’s “reused content” guidelines.

I suppose it’s both.

Why my video is about faceless YouTube channel content

I’ve been making videos about faceless YouTube channels lately. The strategy is to get several of them done and make a playlist out of them. Also, I hope they lift each other up in terms of views, since I can push a different “faceless” video after someone finishes watching another.

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My video about tips for faceless YouTube channels is failing so hard!

Just yesterday I posted a video with five tips for creating a successful faceless YouTube channel. But how would I know anything about that? I’ve never made a faceless YouTube channel!

See, that’s the thing about YouTube. You don’t have to know anything. You just present whatever you’re presenting, and hopefully the viewer gets some value from it.

I based my tips on what I’ve learned as a blogger and print-on-demand seller. I’ve learned that being original always beats copying others, that loving your content is more important than how much you think you might make by going with some other niche, and that copying success is a good strategy but only to a certain extent. You have to differentiate yourself in some way.

Continue reading “My video about tips for faceless YouTube channels is failing so hard!”

Yes, you really CAN make money by posting rain videos to YouTube … but there’s a little catch

It might seem hard to believe that you can upload a video to YouTube that’s four, six, even 12 hours long … and all it features is the sound of rain. And maybe a looped video of a rainy forest scene or something.

But before publishing my latest video, I looked into this extensively, and guess what? It IS possible. In fact, there are probably hundreds, or more likely thousands, of YouTube channels that are making money right now from this kind of content.

But if you comb through Google search results long enough, you’ll find various claims that YouTube is demonetizing, or removing ad revenue, from channels that upload looped rain and other sound effects.

So what gives?

Continue reading “Yes, you really CAN make money by posting rain videos to YouTube … but there’s a little catch”